2021 06 27

Nothing says summer like the first taste of strawberries. Let us walk on the sunny side of the street after many months of isolation, government imposed state of emergency restrictions and all the sorrow and heartbreak. COVID-19 loves gravity, distemper and shaming. What it hates is humor and the lightness of being. Let us emerge from this dark tunnel and draw together a covenant of friendship, remembering the suffering and those lost. David and Jonathan were drawn together to protect David from Saul's rages. After Saul's death, David's eldest brother Jonathan, who would be king by birthright, expressed love for David by surrendering any claim to the throne of Israel. David and Jonathan had a covenant of friendship. Jesus is with us in the storms of life, even when we do not realize it. Grow your faith, walk in the light of Jesus and be at peace, all to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: 2 Samuel 1:1,17-27

2021 06 20

Hate has no age and it's non-discriminatory when it comes to infiltrating people's lives. Islamophobia and other discriminatory practices are alive and well, propagating hate worldwide, resulting in horrific outcomes. Toxic positivity or sugar coating terrible circumstances can enhance psychological scaring. Confront tragic realities with unfiltered emotion and allow the healing process through the faith of God. Jesus is with us in the storms of life, even when we do not realize it. David wasn't a warrior, but a shepherd, and he trusted the Lord to come to his aid, and he vanquished Goliath. Faith can move mountains, not by might or power. None of us are sinless, including David, yet thanks to Jesus death and resurrection, our sins are not counted against us. God works through us to establish the kingdom of God, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 Samuel 17: 1, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49; Mark 4: 35-411

2021 06 13

COVID-19 is ushering in a gentler, more caring society, sensitive and responsive to many injustices. Positive change is planting the seeds of growth and hope for future generations. Isolation has empowered an awakening or inner reflection allowing a greater appreciation of the sounds and visuals of nature. Positive change is good news as business as usual can't last forever. David was anointed king of Israel replacing Saul, by the lord, notwithstanding being the youngest son, chosen for his heart, not his outward appearance. God rejects the expected and selects the most unexpected. God's empire has a multitude of ways to vanquish powers bent on their own profit and power. God's sovereign and life giving power will embrace the whole world. Be one with nature, in harmony, respecting the environment and all living creatures in God's world, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13; Mark 4:26-34.

2021 06 06

Don't dismiss the cries of radicals but address their issues with critical thoughtfulness. Positive outcomes are enhanced through inclusion, respecting all perspectives. Deflecting legitimate concerns builds walls of separation and polarization. Allow God's love to bring down walls of separation between radicals and mainstream doctrine. Jesus did not fit the mould of the religious authorities. He was considered a radical leading a special interest group, many thinking he was out of his mind. His association with perceived wrong people and subsequent forgiveness of sins, lead many mainstream people to mistake the holy spirit for satan. Good versus evil. Jesus has compassion for the masses and his love brings down walls of separation. Those supporting Jesus are given the secret of the kingdom, the mystery and love of God. Salvation for those that believe, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20; Mark 3:20-35.

2021 05 30

Most Canadians support the government imposed pandemic restrictions to protect citizens and mandatory closure and restrictions of businesses, as necessary. The legacy of COVID-19 has been powerful and unpredictable in countless ways. Many are challenged with employment security and mental health issues. It has awakened our resolve to improve standards for long term care, assistance to help seniors to age at home, a livable minimum wage and childcare. Faith is an ongoing work of the spirit. Jesus reveals God's essential character of unconditional love for the whole world through his teachings. Isaiah was forgiven for his sins through his vision of the Lord, " Here am I, send me," and those that believe forgiven also. Be a witness to the powerful and unpredictable activity of the spirit, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: Isaiah 6:1-8; John 3:1-17.

2021 05 23

Amidst the grief and sorrow of the pandemic, the mounting fears and agitation, there is beauty and there is joy and there is togetherness. Although none of us have had the exact same experience, the pandemic has been for all of us a shared experience, and we are reminded again and again that we are never alone. Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones implies helplessness and hopelessness, but God's Spirit is within and they live. A new spirit and a new heart for those that believe. The death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, the love of God promising abundant life and the presence of the spirit for believers, empowers us to bear witness to the good news, and we are encouraged and comforted. The light of Jesus is always present. Let us be brave enough to see the light of Jesus and brave enough to be a light for Jesus. Salvation for those that believe, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: Ezekiel 37: 1-14; John 15: 26-27; 16: 4b-15.

2021 05 16

The pandemic has significantly exposed and amplified many inequalities existing in society. Government imposed state of emergency isolation have left many stressed, confused and unsure of the way forward, an unintended consequence. Emotional safety nets are strained. Financial capacity altered for many. Alcohol and drug abuse are all too often a manifestation of anxiety. We are all challenged to the core. Jesus resurrection and presence for 40 days before ascension offers peace of mind and heart, and a new hope for the future. We are empowered by the holy spirit to offer God's love and the story of the resurrected Christ to all, even in the face of hurdles and rejection. Turn confusion into clarity and be a witness for Christ, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: Acts 1: 3-14; Luke 24: 44-53.

2021 05 09

COVID-19 has unleashed many emotions and the emotional roller coaster has not abated. We are all struggling to balance work loads, childcare, isolation and the unknown. Patience, empathy and compassion are vital but loving your neighbor as yourself is wise counsel. Strength through love. Vine and branches culminates in the bearing of fruit. Love is the fruit of the abiding relationship of God and Jesus and those that follow Jesus. Prayer ushers in the fruit of love. Love one another as Jesus loves us. Jesus, the true vine. Love has power to renew and transform us. Transformation and strength through love, to the glory of God.


 Based on readings for the week: Acts 10:44-48; John 15:9-17.

2021 05 02

Biodiversity refers to every living thing, including plants, bacteria, animals and humans. Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. The richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development and adaptive responses to challenges such as climate change. Enhance biodiversity by removing branches that do not bear fruit and pruning branches that bear fruit. Believe in Jesus, the true vine and love one another as Jesus loves us. Philip baptized the eunuch, although he was denied the privilege of procreation, because he believed Jesus was the son of God. God has chosen faithful disciples to spread the good news. Salvation for those that believe, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Acts 8:26-40; John 15:1-8.

2021 04 25

Responsibility and ownership enhance our commitment to shepherd challenges in our daily lives. All things worth doing should be accomplished to the best of our ability, minimizing negative consequences. Adhering to COVID-19 protocols and channeling our energy to support and improve social networks for the disadvantaged, loom large. We trust the Lord to be the good shepherd, wise, loving and strong, bringing rest and renewal in a voice which is understood. The good shepherd lays down their life while the hired hand runs away. Jesus death and resurrection are an expression of great love for all and his love for God. A love that stretches from before time into a future beyond time, in the presence of God. Be the good shepherd and follow in Jesus footsteps, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Psalm 23, John 10:11-18.

2021 04 18

Our children are the future and a reflection of the past, and we love them unconditionally. Each generation strives to enhance their standard of living, creating positive and negative consequences. Environmental malpractice has contributed to global warming and conversely technological advancements have given medical science answers to very challenging sicknesses. Our lives are transitional and we are all God’s children. God’s love is unconditional and given to us through Jesus’ incarnation, cross and resurrection. Jesus appears to his disciples and they tell of repentance and remission of sins. By God’s grace and hope, Jesus will return and transform us all into his image. Believe in Jesus and continue his mission. Through worship and faith we encounter the risen Christ, opening our hearts and minds. Jesus lives and we are all witnesses to the good news, all to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48.

2021 04 11

Active life styles and time of essence scheduling for activities has left many today stressed and blurred. The way forward driven by automatic responses to the social and fiscal realities. Peer pressure and our competitive posture have left many with underlying medical issues. Confusion, loneliness, depression, frustration and anxiety dominate and darkness permeates our lives. Light shines in darkness and Jesus is the light, the word made flesh. Grace and truth come by Jesus. The apostles testified about the resurrection of Jesus. Blessed are they that have not seen yet believe. Believe in Jesus and his resurrection. Jesus lives. Salvation for those that believe, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week; 1 John 1: 1-2:2; Acts 4: 32-35; John 20: 19-31

2021 04 04

Violence is a preoccupation of humanity through out the ages. Conflicts arising from seemingly casual misunderstandings to full scale deceptions. The tools of violence and insurrection have become more lethal over time, weighing heavy over the hearts of many. Imagine witnessing Jesus crucifixion, an unjust and violent act, crucified between two criminals, and seeing his pain and suffering. Imagine Mary seeing the empty tomb after the stone was taken away from the sepulchre and suddenly seeing two angels. Imagine Mary turning around and thinking she was speaking to a gardener and then recognizing Jesus. Jesus crucified became divine revelation and salvation, the essential truth. Believe in Jesus and he will swallow up death in victory and wipe away each tear of grief and despair, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Isaiah 25:6-9; John 20:1-18.

2021 03 28

A year has passed and we are still challenged and confronted with the COVID-19 corona virus. Vaccination schedules are unrolling on a seemingly daily basis and yet we are not tired of the news alerts because they are relevant and meaningful to our daily lives. Today we are not tired of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, so many years ago because it is a living, breathing account to our daily lives and our faith. Word spread that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, crowds gathered along his path and they praised his victory over Lazarus death. They spread their cloaks and laid palm branches in his path, with him riding on a donkey. Hosanna!! Save us Jesus. He did not come to be famous, but to serve humbly. Refresh your faith, follow in his footsteps and be saved, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Mark 11:1-11; Mark 14:1-15:47

2021 03 21

Our laws are written so all can live and function in an orderly and civilized society and are constantly being modified to adjust to new realities. The laws are living and breathing documents, moving the goal posts, as we travel the road of life. Law and order, to protect and serve, from mundane to unthinkable scenarios. God's laws are universal and timeless. God's covenant with Israel and God's law was written in the hearts of the Israelites. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. Jesus prepared his followers for the passion narrative. His death and resurrection was a judgement against the Roman leaders. The devastating power of Roman authority was actually it's defeat and Jesus resurrection was the ultimate victory over Roman power. Jesus is king, the emperor is not and this truth both sustains and challenges us, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 12:20-33

2021 03 14

Today frequently our leaders can't see the forest for all the trees. Needs are many. The blind leading the blind, yet we think we're in an age of enlightenment, focusing on entitlement and personal gain. Nicodemus, ruler of the Jews, so many years ago, was challenged by Jesus to be born again by water and spirit, to see the kingdom of heaven. How far have we come in the age of enlightenment since Nicodemus? God so loves the world and Jesus is God's gracious gift to the whole world. Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness and Jesus was lifted up so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. Christ's death is our life and Christ's cross is our title to heaven. The good news is that Jesus paid our debts with his own blood. Whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life, to the glory of God.


Based on the readins for the week: John 3:9-21.

2021 03 07

To believe or not to believe. The truth is out there. There is no magic bullet to discern the truth. Social media platforms and competing news networks have left many confused and perhaps worse, disillusioned to reality. Judgements for many have become clouded by the transient and self serving nature of the powers of our leaders. Christ shepherds all with the power and wisdom of God, to encounter humanity and initiate our salvation. Jesus cleansing of the temple, which served as a market, and promise to raise it up in three days foreshadowed his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Jesus crucified became divine revelation, divine power and divine salvation, the essential truth, to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22.

2021 02 28

Temptation lurks at every corner and we are all susceptible to the path of least resistance, which is not always the best choice. God calls us to a high standard but not an impossible standard. An erosion of respect for leaders and decision makers often alters our respect for God as well. We can dominate the darkness around us by faith and the grace of God. Grace is God's favour toward humanity, a free gift, so that it might reign over abundant trespasses. Abraham walked before God's face and that helped him avoid temptation. He accepted the covenant of the Lord and became a leader for his people. We are all imperfect but if we accept God's call, through faith, salvation is our reward, to the glory of God.


Based on reading for the week: Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Romans 4:13-25.

2021 02 21

The only constant in life is change. History has demonstrated change, sometimes fast and furious and sometimes slow and measured, a progression of ideas and acceptance by main stream society. Today IT technology, environmental challenges, social justice and discrimination are front and center, along with the COVID-19 pandemic. We all strive for positive change in our lives. John's baptism of repentance and Jesus baptism with the holy ghost is a life transformation. Jesus temptation and confrontation with evil in the wilderness brought harmony and peace to earth. He addressed all facets of life through his actions and words. Jesus began the transformation of the world. Live your life in his light all to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 Peter3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15.

2021 02 14

Mentorship and transitions from one generation to another possess anxieties and exuberance full circle. Leaders in politics or business prepare succession plans and families assume parallel aspirations, often seamlessly, a natural progression of the circle of life. Elisha succeeded Elijah who went triumphantly to heaven and his exodus was marked by whirlwind and fiery chariots and horses which enabled the transfer of Elijah's spirit to Elisha. Their separation reflected continuity, recognizing the unity of individuality. The circle of life is constant renewal with divine strength and salvation for those that believe, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: 2 Kings 2:1-12; Mark 9:2-9