The worship services at Grace are a tasteful blend of new music and music that has stood the test of time. Sermons that provoke and inspire. Thoughtful prayer and moving drama. Consistent with public health guidelines, worship services are offered both in-person and online. Links are on the home page to our streaming by YouTube.
For the months of September to May, we gather for worship at 11:00am. For June to August, we gather at 10:00am. Over the summer we have joint worship services with St. James United, five weeks in one place and then five weeks in the other. For all the Sunday in July 2023, we shall worship at St. James (181 Portland St.) at 10am.
Oder of the service are available by e-mail with a few printed for Sunday morning. Words for prayers and music are projected on videos screen at the Church and available on the online service. We also have hearing assist devices available at our AV booth.
Worship services are not always in the Sanctuary. On Easter morning, we gather at the Ferry Terminal Park at 8am for a short informal service. On the 4th Wednesday of the month (except in the summer), we have Time for Grace (worship service) at 2:00pm at Parkland at the Lakes (public health directives permitting). We also provide a service on rotation at Oakwood Terrace (awaiting permission to resume services at Oakwood).
Check out our YouTube channel for the video of this week’s service and much more.
Our Worship Committee is always interested in your feedback about our worship service. You can either provide comments by filling out this simple Feedback on Worship form (click here for form) that can be automatically submitted or e-mailing Stephen at minister@gracedartmouth.ca with your comments and suggestions.
Through United Churches for Dartmouth two additional worship opportunities are available - the monthly Tuesday Pause (6pm-6:20pm at St. James United Church, 181 Portland St.) and the monthly play.pray@church. Tuesday Pause is a more contemplative service of music, listening to both ancient and modern words and a time of silence on the first Tuesday of the month. Click here to be linked to a short video about it. Play.pray@church is an informal all-ages gathering. There is a time for different creative activities, an informal worship and a meal together. play.pray@church is held on the first Saturday of the month from 4pm-6pm. It will be held at Grace on October 5, November 2, and December 7 and at Port Wallis United Church in January, February and March of 2025. Click here for a short video about it.
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:1-2”