Minister's Message
As Paul might have said writing to us...
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I send this letter to you, inviting you as always to join us at Grace, to be part of our growing family that seeks to follow the one who calls us, as our creed proclaims, To be the Church....There is an atmosphere at Grace that caused one to feel they have come home and are a part of the family. Today more than ever we need to be grounded in a community of faith living with enthusiasm and integrity so I invite you to discover for yourself the joy that comes from joining together in the worship and work of Christ's that is taking place at Grace.
June Boyce-Tillman wrote these words in 1993, sung to the tune of Londonderry Air (O Danny Boy). They articulate clearly and beautifully what we are called to be and do as a community of faith.
We shall go out with hope of resurrection;
We shall go out, from strength to strength go on:
We shall go out and tell our stories boldly;
Tales of a love that will not let us go.
We'll sing our songs of wrongs that can be righted;
we'll dream our reams of hurts that can be healed
we'll weave a cloth of all the world united
within the vision of new life in Christ
Take time to browse this site and discover some of the exciting and challenging opportunities Grace offers you for ministry. Most of all I invite you to come and see for Grace is indeed a friendly and caring congregation.
Rev. Stephen D. Fram
BA. M.Div