Local Outreach
We are called “to love and serve others” and outreach is an expression of love and serving. It is the living out of the Christian message. We undertake special projects but we also work in concert with a number of local organizations to support many who are marginalized. Along with the sharing of time and talent, we also share our financial resources.
Ongoing Outreach - Food
Churches may provide food for the soul but we find an important part of our mission of caring for God’s people is to provide food for the stomach.
The “Food Bank” that Grace supports is operated by the North Dartmouth Outreach Support Centre out of Stairs Memorial United Church in Dartmouth. Grace provides Board members to the North Dartmouth Outreach Support Centre and people from the congregation volunteer on Tuesday (delivery and packing) and Wednesday (distribution) mornings. Grace highlights a food product of the month for the Food Bank which is placed in the decorated box at the front of the church. Grace also accepts weekly food donations and clean egg cartons and bottles (place in the drawer of the stand at the King St. door) as well as having special campaigns for food (White Gift Service, Easter breakfast, etc.). Grace makes an annual donation but congregation members can also make donations to the Food Bank by indicating it on the PAR form or marking it on the church envelope. To read the 2023 Annual Report for the Society for the North Dartmouth Outreach click here.
This video updates our involvement at Margaret’s House during the pandemic.
Grace offers financial support and provides meals to the F.O.O.D. (Feeding Others of Dartmouth) that operates out of Margaret’s House. We are part of the of the Christian Relief and Development Coalition that supports F.O.O.D. In the past, members of Grace also provided donations of goods for the annual fundraising Christmas Full of Caring (dinner and auction) that is F.O.O.D.’s major fundraiser. However with the pandemic the fundraiser has been suspended.
Ongoing Outreach - Inclusion
Grace has a special interest in inclusion of people with differing abilities. Over the past several years we have formed a partnership with Club Inclusion and were able to offer a number of activities at Grace. In the fall-spring 2024/25 Inclusive Choir, a free Choir for people from disabled and abled community takes place at Grace on Sundays at 2pm - 3pm under the direction of Adam Johnson. Registration is required, please check Club Inclusion’s website for details.
On Tuesdays (not in the summer), Club Inclusion offers a day program. For further information on Club Inclusion’s activities, please see their website.
Club Inclusion and Grace were able to partner to purchase and install an adult change table in one of the main floor washrooms.
Ongoing Outreach - Supportive Housing
Grace United Church was involved in the founding of Alice House which provides safe second-stage housing and supportive counselling for women and children in Nova Scotia. Grace provides a financial support as well as collecting personal care items in October.
Grace United Church was a founding member of what is now known as Adsum for Women and Children. We provide a director to the Board and financial support.
Grace is becoming increasingly concerned about housing issues and in September 2023 wrote letters to the Premiers, relevant minister, Dartmouth MLAs and Dartmouth Councillors to express the need for emergency housing and deeply affordable housing in Dartmouth. People are invited to also write letters. Further information can be found by clicking here.
Special Projects
Each year, the congregation collects collects personal care items for Coverdale Foundation (April) and Alice House (October). We also do special projects over Advent.