
As part of God’s creation we have been given gifted by God, and it is our responsibility to use wisely the gifts we have been given for the Glory of God and the betterment of Creation. Often our gifts have been divided into the three “Ts”: time; talent; and treasure.

If you are interested in sharing your time and talent please see our volunteering section for how you can share your gifts.

Fiscal stewardship is very important to us at Grace. Each year we have a stewardship campaign where we thoughtfully consider what we want to undertake as the mission of the church and what we as individuals wish to commit to fulfill this mission. There are various ways to contribute financially to the Church.

See the end of the page for our infographic for the Fall 2024 stewardship campaign.

Regular Givings

Regular givings or donations to Grace usually take place one of two ways: donations in Church envelopes (contact our office for envelopes) or through “Pre-Authorized Remittance” (PAR) givings. PAR is a "direct debit" program that allows people to support their church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from their bank account. For further information, please visit the United Church of Canada's PAR website. Please contact our office if you are interested in switching to PAR.

It can be specified how much you wish to allocate to local givings (for the operation and mission of Grace United Church), Mission and Service (outreach of the national church), Building Fund (used for major maintenance or building projects at Grace) or other special uses/campaigns (e.g., food bank, AV Upgrade, Heart of Dartmouth Refugee Sponsorship)

People can also put money directly into the collection plate at the back of the church on Sunday. If you do not have envelopes and wish to have a year-end charitable tax receipt, there are envelopes in the covers of our hymn books at the information rack near the King Street door.

If you wish to donate without coming to the church building, You have three options.

  • You can use e-transfer - - please include a message if you wish it allocated a certain way (e.g., Local Givings, Mission & Service, Building Fund);

  • You can mail a cheque to the Church (Grace United Church, 70 King Street, Dartmouth NS, B2Y 4R3); or

  • You can donate through Canada Helps (the link opens up to our page)/ the Canada Help‘s“Donate Now” button.

If you are donating through Canada Helps use the General Funds and in the Message you can say if its for your regular Sunday offering, if you have an envelope, its number and how you wish your offering to be allocated (local funds, M&S, building fund, etc.). The tax receipts will be given through Canada Helps but we can still track total givings.

Special Givings

Online Donations

You can do an e-transfer to - - please include a message if you wish it allocated a certain way (e.g., Local Givings, Mission & Service, Building Fund) and include your address and name so we can prepare a tax receipt. Grace is registered with Canada Helps so it is possible to make a donation electronically through them (they do take a percentage of the donation for their administrative costs). This link will take you to the Grace United Church donation page.


A bulletin can be dedicated in memory of or in honour of a loved one or a special occasion. The cost is $20.00. The names will appear in the bulletin. The amount donated will be added to your year-end receipt for income tax purposes. Please contact our office if you are interested.

Celebration Plate Campaign

Please continue to support Church by filling out a celebration plate with loonies or toonies. Plates are available at the King St. entrance. If you wish to have this added to your donations for income tax purposes, please put your name on the container.

Memory Tree

During Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas) a “Memory Tree”is set up at the front of a sanctuary and for a donation in memory or honour of a loved one, a bulb is lit and an Grace ornament with the loved one’s name is placed on the tree. A special bulletin insert of names is done before Christmas and the names are acknowledged in a slide show before the Christmas Eve evening service.

Stewardship Infographics for the Fall 2024 Stewardship Campaign followed by a infographic for our 171 Anniversary