2021 03 21

Our laws are written so all can live and function in an orderly and civilized society and are constantly being modified to adjust to new realities. The laws are living and breathing documents, moving the goal posts, as we travel the road of life. Law and order, to protect and serve, from mundane to unthinkable scenarios. God's laws are universal and timeless. God's covenant with Israel and God's law was written in the hearts of the Israelites. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. Jesus prepared his followers for the passion narrative. His death and resurrection was a judgement against the Roman leaders. The devastating power of Roman authority was actually it's defeat and Jesus resurrection was the ultimate victory over Roman power. Jesus is king, the emperor is not and this truth both sustains and challenges us, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 12:20-33