2021 03 28

A year has passed and we are still challenged and confronted with the COVID-19 corona virus. Vaccination schedules are unrolling on a seemingly daily basis and yet we are not tired of the news alerts because they are relevant and meaningful to our daily lives. Today we are not tired of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, so many years ago because it is a living, breathing account to our daily lives and our faith. Word spread that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, crowds gathered along his path and they praised his victory over Lazarus death. They spread their cloaks and laid palm branches in his path, with him riding on a donkey. Hosanna!! Save us Jesus. He did not come to be famous, but to serve humbly. Refresh your faith, follow in his footsteps and be saved, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: Mark 11:1-11; Mark 14:1-15:47