2021 06 13

COVID-19 is ushering in a gentler, more caring society, sensitive and responsive to many injustices. Positive change is planting the seeds of growth and hope for future generations. Isolation has empowered an awakening or inner reflection allowing a greater appreciation of the sounds and visuals of nature. Positive change is good news as business as usual can't last forever. David was anointed king of Israel replacing Saul, by the lord, notwithstanding being the youngest son, chosen for his heart, not his outward appearance. God rejects the expected and selects the most unexpected. God's empire has a multitude of ways to vanquish powers bent on their own profit and power. God's sovereign and life giving power will embrace the whole world. Be one with nature, in harmony, respecting the environment and all living creatures in God's world, to the glory of God.


Based on readings for the week: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13; Mark 4:26-34.