Hate has no age and it's non-discriminatory when it comes to infiltrating people's lives. Islamophobia and other discriminatory practices are alive and well, propagating hate worldwide, resulting in horrific outcomes. Toxic positivity or sugar coating terrible circumstances can enhance psychological scaring. Confront tragic realities with unfiltered emotion and allow the healing process through the faith of God. Jesus is with us in the storms of life, even when we do not realize it. David wasn't a warrior, but a shepherd, and he trusted the Lord to come to his aid, and he vanquished Goliath. Faith can move mountains, not by might or power. None of us are sinless, including David, yet thanks to Jesus death and resurrection, our sins are not counted against us. God works through us to establish the kingdom of God, to the glory of God.
Based on the readings for the week: 1 Samuel 17: 1, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49; Mark 4: 35-411