2021 04 18

Our children are the future and a reflection of the past, and we love them unconditionally. Each generation strives to enhance their standard of living, creating positive and negative consequences. Environmental malpractice has contributed to global warming and conversely technological advancements have given medical science answers to very challenging sicknesses. Our lives are transitional and we are all God’s children. God’s love is unconditional and given to us through Jesus’ incarnation, cross and resurrection. Jesus appears to his disciples and they tell of repentance and remission of sins. By God’s grace and hope, Jesus will return and transform us all into his image. Believe in Jesus and continue his mission. Through worship and faith we encounter the risen Christ, opening our hearts and minds. Jesus lives and we are all witnesses to the good news, all to the glory of God.


Based on the readings for the week: 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48.