We’ve Come A Long Way…
Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice...
December 20, 2024
Dear friends,
How do you handle waiting? Do you become anxious? Do you fill the time with something else? Personally I am not great at waiting. I remember as a child that I could hardly wait for Christmas morning and for Santa to come. I even convinced myself that Santa’s sleigh missed our roof one year and left tracks outside my bedroom window. Looking back I now realize that the sleigh marks were from large icicles falling off our roof outside my window. I believe in the magic of the season and it is a shame that we often stop believing as we get older. I am not just talking about Santa. We lose so much of our innocence as we are confronted with the reality of violence, war, food and housing insecurity or the state of our health care system. We need to believe again and then we can say we’ve come a long way, Lord which is the theme that ties our Anniversary, Stewardship and Christmas letters together.
As a society we spend so much time waiting. Waiting for Amazon delivery, or for Canada Post to resolve its labour disputes, or perhaps waiting for a practical and just solutions to the issues that effect us like inflation, housing and food security, gaps in our health care.
The story of our faith journey is also filled with waiting and anticipation that in Jesus the promises of God’s justice and compassion will be fulfilled. In his birth, life, death and resurrection we have everything we need to find the magic of the season. Perhaps in this case, a better word for magic would be the hope, peace, joy and love of the season. If we really embraced these aspirations we could accomplish so much and our waiting for things to get better would be over because we would be doing our parts in birthing the promises of God right here and right now.
Grace Dartmouth is a brave place and space where we can wait together as a family. Where we can share each others anxieties and hopes for the future as we live in community and share our mission and vision together. As we do this we grow as a community in the love and grace of God. We discover ourselves and know deeply that we are loved and that we are called to share that love. As we do this we continue to live into our motto, “transforming lives through faithful discipleship”. I hope that this advent, Christmas, and epiphany will be opportunity for you to rediscover the magic of the seasons.
Debbie, Laurissa, Robert and I wish you a joyous Christmas and the blessings of the season and we hope to see you soon.
Yours in Christ’s Service,
Rev. Stephen Fram
Upcoming Events:
Gentle reminder to return your stewardship forms by December 31.
Friday, December 20
7pm-10pm Board Games Night (Upper Hall) - open to all ages, bring your favourite game
Sunday, December 22
11am Service of Lessons and Carols
11am Sunday School Cookie Decorating Party (Lower Hall)
Tree of Warmth deadline
Tuesday, December 24
3:30pm Participants arrive for Children's Service - all are invited to participate
4:30pm The Grumpy Innkeeper - Children's Christmas Eve Service
7:00pm Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, December 29
11am Family Service