Called to Celebrate Grace…
Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice...
March 24, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Lately I have found it challenging to remain emotionally and spiritually engaged given the current state of our world. There is so much going on and I find that most of it isn’t good news. I have found myself tuning out when I encounter a news item about places in the world where violence, suffering and death abound. And even here at home when there is a news story about food or home or job insecurity I find myself not paying as much attention. Do I have compassion fatigue? Perhaps. But I also know that often my response is much like when I was a teenager and mom would first ask and later demand that I clean my room, I had no idea where to start. It seemed so overwhelming. Being overwhelmed is one of the prime reasons that we lose hope. Another major reason for hopelessness is that we get caught up in the complicated and complex processes of grief. It doesn’t need to be grief over the death of someone we love, it can often be the loss of relationship or routine. I think our society in general grieves what has been lost because of the pandemic. And the fact that we can’t clearly name the loss complicates our sense of hope or hopelessness even more.
Fortunately as Christians we have the stories of our faith to help reorientate our sense of direction and sense of hope. As I write this letter I am preparing for Sunday worship. The major theme of this Sunday is the hope that emerges as Mary, Martha and their community grieve the loss of hope that comes from Lazarus’ death. It is one of the most poignant stories in John’s gospel and shows us the depth and breadth of the “Come and See” discipleship motif. Jesus is invited to come and see and enter fully into our grief and compassion fatigue. And before Jesus offers healing Jesus weeps. Jesus is also overwhelmed and out of that sacred space hope begins. As one resource I use puts it, “Hope is not only a life and death matter, hope is a life in death matter. Hope finds its greatest challenge, and shines its greatest light, when life stands in the face of death and affirms that God remains trustworthy.” In Ezekiel 37:1-14 the prophet is called to prophesy such hope in a valley of dried bones and lost dreams. In Psalm 130, the psalmist proclaims hope from the depths, as one who waits for the gift of a morning yet to dawn. In John 11, Jesus, stricken with a grief born of love, speaks hope into Lazarus's tomb, calling his friend forth as a sign of God's glory and of our hope.
This hope is captured in our opening hymn this week written by former moderator Walter Farguharson.
Stay with us through the night. Stay with us through the pain/grief/dread.
Stay with us, blessed stranger till the morning breaks again/brings relief/breaks new bread.
As we move into Holy Week and the Easter season I invite you to sit for while with the stories of our faith and join with your faith community in worship, study, and action as we explore the themes of hope that emerge from our engagement with the stories and each other.
Join me as we celebrate Holy Week and the Easter Season. Take note of the upcoming events listed in this letter and on our webpage and I hope to see you and journey the path of hope with you. Please pay particular attention to both the moderators visit on April 15 and the planning and visioning event that will take place on Saturday, April 22 at the church. It is an opportunity to shape our hope for the future of Grace United and your participation is essential.
Yours in Christ's Service,
Rev. Stephen Fram
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, March 30
- Deadline date to donate items for Grace Initiatives Committee’s Online Auction.
They are looking for new or very, gently used items (household, home decor, artwork...) or services (baking, craft lessons, dog-walking, gardening...)
Ideas for services and photos of items to be forwarded to Jennifer Eames at
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday
- 10:30 am; Ecumenical Good Friday Service at Christ Church, Octerloney Street.
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday
- 8:00 am; Early Easter Service, Ferry Terminal Park.
- 8:30-10:00 am; Breakfast in lower hall. Please bring an item for the food bank.
- 11:00 am; Easter Worship; Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Saturday, April 15
- 3:00 pm; Moderator’s Visit to Dartmouth
The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne, 44th Moderator of The United Church of Canada will be in Dartmouth on April 15, 2023 at Woodlawn United beginning at 3:00 pm. All are welcome to come and meet and hear the moderator.
Monday, April 17 to Saturday, April 29
- Grace Initiatives Committee’s Online Auction will be open for bids. Check Grace Church website and weekly Announcements for directions on how to connect to site.
Saturday, April 22
- 9:00 am - 4:00 pm; Come Help Set the Direction – Strategic Planning for Grace United Church in the lower hall. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. Come and share your wisdom about the future direction of Grace United.
Thursdays on April 20, 27 May 6, 13
- 2:00-3:30 pm; Belonging – 5 keys to Unlock Your Potential as a Disciple
Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis structures the resource around the story of the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) and guides the reader to discover deep connection with biblical characters. This four week study will invite participants to explore this book and story and to enter deeper into the “Come and See” discipleship motif presented in John’s Gospel.
It will be hybrid study, offered on In person in the lower hall and if you want to join by zoom check our website. Limited copies of book are available. Please contact office or send me an e-mail ( to reserve your book and place in the study.
Saturday, May 6
- 7:30 pm; “Songs for a May Evening” - Concert by Grace United Church Choir and special guests, The Chebucto Community Singers and their conductor Louise Grinstead, to be held at Grace United Church.
Suggested donation at the door $10.00
Please remember your church by using the special Easter Envelope.