Lent/Easter Letter -- 2022 02 26

Dear friends,

Greetings in the name of the one who invites us to take up the cross and to journey with him, Jesus Christ our Lord. Traditionally lent has been a time of repentance and preparation. In the early church Lent was a time in which the faithful were encouraged to walk the journey of Jesus, to use biblical language to carry the cross

towards Golgotha. In our tradition, prayer and fasting is a way in which we are invited to discover that imbedded in the darkness caused by human sinfulness and evil there is Grace. Thus our theme this lent, Grace in the darkness.

Jennifer Eames from our choir has written a song that has a powerful message of hope and grace in the midst of the darkness. In a particularly poignant line she writes, "Reach out, reach out / Bring your troubles to the one who cares / Lay down your burdens. / Let your night be shared." This song will be premiered on the first Sunday of Lent at our worship service. Let your night be shared is so important in the times that we are living in. The lingering effects of the pandemic and the sacrifices that we have made are both known and not yet known. Those sacrifices are an example of how we have walked in the darkness. We also know that in these moments of darkness there is light and hope and grace. This lenten season will be a time in which we will intentionally focus on those moments of Grace as we connect with the biblical themes of this season. As we walk with Jesus and with each other we will discover moments of Grace in the darkness.

Recently I came across an article that compared the lenten discipline of fasting with the fasting that we have endured during the pandemic. The result of our fasting or sacrifice has been a growing awareness of the needs of our community. The pandemic has shone a light on the disparities in our society. My hope is that this recognition will continue to have the effect of deepening our mercy and compassion as we care for one another. Unfortunately we have also witnessed that part of our fatigue includes a growing numbness to mercy and compassion. As a people of faith we need to find ways to prevent this fatigue from setting in. During lent our prayer and practice needs to be one of hope and honest reflection on how the values of our faith can transform our lives and our society so that we are more just and more compassionate.

Join me this Lent as we explore these themes and as we walk the way of the cross with each other and with Jesus. Enclosed in this bag you will find a variety of information and activities. I hope that you will find inspiration and joy as you explore its contents. And may you have a fruitful and joyous season as you explore Grace in the darkness.

Yours in Christ's Service,

Rev. Stephen Fram