Advent/Christmas Letter from Stephen

Dear Friends,

Advent as a time of anticipation and preparation has a whole new meaning for me this year as I work towards the final papers in my courses and anticipate returning to ministry amongst you on Dec 14.  I want to thank you again for the opportunity to have this Sabbatical.  I have found the time enriching and challenging and I am looking forward to sharing my learning with you in the coming months and years.

 I want to commend the people of Grace who have put together “Advent in a Bag”.  As this Pandemic continues, it is important that we have the communal experience of journeying towards Christmas together.  We need that time when we step outside of the demands that we put upon ourselves to “get ready” for Christmas, to prepare ourselves for the inbreaking of God’s reign of earth.  The Jesse Tree reminds us that the story of God’s faithfulness and love reaches well back to the beginnings our ancestors’ faith stories.  Our response to God’s love transforms our lives as we respond to God’s gift of grace with humility and creativity. May this season be a time that we explore God’s gift of Grace and find new and creative ways of responding to that gift by making our world just a little kinder and more loving.

 Many of the events and projects of our Church life that are signposts on our Christmas journey are taking place –the Stocking Gifts, the Advent Event (though in a modified form), the Tree of Warmth, the Memory Tree, our White Gift Service, the Service of Readings and Anthems and of course, our two Christmas Eve Services.  I hope that you will participate in one or more of these.  I look forward to seeing you on my return.

 Wishing you the hope, peace, joy and love of the season,

Yours in Christ’s service,

Rev. Stephen Fram