Dear Friends,
As most children can tell us, “Christmas is Coming”. Children almost vibrate with anticipation; they wait for the arrival of Christmas trees, special treats, and Santa with presents. Our feelings of anticipation can be a little different, we find ourselves busy with the preparation; decorating, gift buying, getting food and wondering what the public health restrictions could mean to our celebrations this year. In the midst of all this, I am pleased that Grace has put together “Advent in a Bag” to offer us all a time to reflect, enjoy and maybe channel that anticipation and preparation in different ways.
Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation for the coming or arrival of the Messiah. Although we often concentrate of the arrival of the baby Jesus marking a time when God became flesh and dwelt among us. We also anticipate and prepare for presence for the Spirit of God to dwell in our hearts and amongst us now and for the second coming, the arrival of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Our Sunday School children with their teachers and parents made a homemade gingerbread ornament for you that you can add additional decoration to or hang or gift it how it is. We have information on what Advent is, our Advent projects, what are our planned activities for this season and stapled to the bag is the Christmas giving envelope. We have additional activity-type sheets for all ages. We hope that you will enjoy “Advent in a Bag” and I hope to see you before my last service with you on December 12.
This year, anticipation of the baby’s arrival has a whole new meaning. Our first grandchild Loviisa has safely arrived in Finland and very shortly after my time with you comes to an end, my husband and I will be boarding a plane to see this new miracle of life on earth. So I may be like the children vibrating with excitement that Christmas is Coming.
Rev. Wendy Kean