Easter letter -- 2024

March 14, 2024

Dear friends,

One of the things that I like to do during Holy Week is to revisit Tim Rice’s Jesus Christ Superstar. This year I rewatched the 1970 version and was moved by the discordant beauty of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. "Hosanna Heysanna..." is memorable and very moving, with the crowd's escalating appeals to Jesus: Won't you smile for me? Won't you fight for me? Won't you die for me? The jubilation of the children leads the way, yet it transitions to the mood of the crowds as they foreshadow the pending passion during Holy Week. When the church shouts “Hosanna!” we aren’t cheering, rather we are praying. It is a heartfelt cry for help. It means “Save us now!” Mark alludes to the obscure Zechariah – who had given up on human rulers and prophesied that “On that day the Lord God will save them… Lo your king comes humble and riding on a donkey.” What foolish person would draw attention in such a meek, easily-mocked way? One of the earliest symbols of the crucifixion is a donkey on a cross. It is ancient graffiti mocking a someone’s belief. Can you really believe that one who rides into the city on a donkey can save you? And yet nearly 2000 years later we gather to hear the story of Jesus, his passion, his crucifixion and the stories of resurrection knowing that the echo of all our the prayers through the centuries is indeed “Hosanna – Save us Now!”

We do not have to look very far in our communities and in our world to see that the wisdom and power of the Easter story is needed more than ever. My prayer is that this season will be a time for all of us to hear the gospel story again, as if we are hearing it for the first time. And that in the story we will find love, forgiveness, grace and hope, as we gather as a community to sing Hosanna. On Easter Sunday Jennifer Eames and Heather Mayka are singing a duet that begins with the haunting tune of “Where You There” when he rose up from the tomb and transitions to Jesus Christ is Risen today. A powerful way to begin our Easter celebration. Come and join the celebration during Holy Week and Easter and beyond. Come and join with your community of faith as we pray, Hosanna– Save us now!

Yours in Christ’s Service,

Rev. Stephen Fram