Today we live the reality of the pandemic and it's impact on our lives, many experiencing loneliness and isolation and others economic loss. Let us be aware of the disparities and extend comfort and compassion, yet not overlook the simple joys, but open our eyes to the joy that surrounds us. The joy of an act of kindness such as pay it forward or the joy of observing an eagle soar, seemingly effortlessly high in the sky. John the baptist was the first to identify Jesus as the son of God and is the primary witness to Jesus. Like John, God commissions us to bear witness to Jesus, the one who has come in the flesh and is here with us. The word made flesh. Wear the robe of righteousness. Our joy is in God and is a gift which fills us when we remember what God has done and what God has promised to do. Good tidings of salvation, for those that believe, to the glory of God.
Based on readings for the week: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; John 1:6-8,19-28.