Polarization of views and discrimination build walls and distrust. Leadership and clarity of the law brings compassion and understanding. The fishers on all sides of the lobster dispute search for leadership and clarity of the law. God's laws and the people's laws have legitimate realms of authority but if a conflict arises, God's laws are supreme. Moses received the ten commandments and the greatest commandment is," Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Love of God, neighbor and self are all an intertwined part of the same whole. We cannot love God and hate our brothers and sisters. The Lord allowed Moses to see the promised land before he passed into the kingdom of heaven. Demonstrate vigilance, diligence and compassion for others in times of crisis and share the good news of salvation through Jesus, to the glory of God.
Based on readings for the week: Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Matthew 22:34-46