Sunday Worship services are held at Grace United Church at 11am and are followed by a time of refreshments and conversation in the Upper Hall. Services are in-person and on our YouTube Channel.
For the comfort of those, with concerns about COVID, there are pews reserved for those wearing masks.
Grace offers Sunday School. Children may go to the Sunday School room downstairs prior to 11am or join with others during the Children’s Time during the service. For more information about Sunday School click here
Poverty is a Policy Choice - join our pre-budget letter writing campaign to ask the provincial government to raise the levels of income assistance so people don’t live in deep poverty. Click here to learn more.
Through special projects of United Churches for Dartmouth, other worship opportunities are available. Tuesday Pause is a contemplative service on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm at St. James United, 181 Portland St. Click here for a short video about it. play.pray@church is the first Saturday of the month from 4pm-6pm. People of all ages are invited to gather to explore the theme of the day with creative arts, activities and though-provoking conversations that lead to an informal and interactive worship time. The event ends in sharing a provided meal together. Port Wallis United (263 Waverley Rd.) hosts from January to March. Click here to view the video about play.pray@church.
We often get questions about parking. Click here to see where free parking spots are available on evenings and weekends close to Grace.
If you would like to receive weekly notices please sign up here.
Click on the pictures below to link to the area of interest.