Come Help Set the Direction
Strategic Planning for Grace United Church
The last three to four years have been challenging, confusing, tough, rewarding, filled with times of wonder and despair. Together, we have worked and laughed and cried and worshipped and served. As we look towards our future, we have the freedom and the responsibility to ask:
What call and invitations is God placing in front of us at this time?
How will we respond to God?
What will our priorities be?
To gather and ponder on these questions and others, Grace United Church will be holding a Strategic Planning session under the facilitation of the Rev. Dr. Ross Bartlett on Saturday, April 22 from 9am-4pm with lunch provided. This is open to all.
Rev. Bartlett has prepared some questions for us to consider prior to this session. They have been shared with the congregation in Sundays in March you can access them here:
There is an interesting article 5 Questions to Ask s a Church Engaging the Neighbourhood that provides some food for thought. You can read it by clicking here
Last year, we surveyed the congregation to learn more about the needs and priorities of the congregation so we could undertake informed strategic planning. The results of our survey can be found by clicking here
Our Vision and Mission statements can be found by clicking here