What Does Faith Have to Do with Politics?

Our faith gives us a lens on the world. As our national church says “We seek God’s vision for the world where human dignity is defended, creation is mended and gifts are shared for the good of all.” We do not do this by being partisan (supporting a particular party) but we do this by being prophetic - speaking truth to power and advocating for policies based on our principles. During an election campaign, as both good citizens and people of faith, we have an opportunity to vote for people who reflect the values of our faith.

For the last several election campaigns, Grace in concert with Christ Church Anglican, and sometimes the Face of Poverty Coalition, have arranged an all candidates forum that asks moderated questions from the community so people can gain a greater understanding where candidates stand on certain issue. Grace and Christ Church had planned to hold an All Candidates forum for Dartmouth South.  However, we were not able to get agreement from all candidates to participate. We are disappointed as we feel that this is
an important service that we offer to the community.  We had been working on preparing questions for this Forum
and since we feel strongly that questions about social justice need to be asked, we have prepared a sheet of questions with some background that people may use to ask questions of candidates who are soliciting their vote. Click here to open the file to download.