Notes from the Chair

January 30, 2025 Meeting

Well this is the last of my notes from the chair as my two year term as board chair finishes as of the Annual Meeting on March 2. I have enjoyed it but am glad that I am nearing the end of my term. It has been a busy time. I have signed many letters from the church as Shirley Hazen has written many to add our voice to those who are calling on the government to make changes in policies, to not use gender as a wedge political issue and the most recent one Poverty is a Policy Choice.

So in terms of discussions at the most recent board meeting, we are still keeping our COVID-19 protocols in place. Grace, St. James, and Stairs are planning to start a conversation as to what our future collaborations will look like as United Churches in Dartmouth. The United Churches For Dartmouth still have the Play.pray@church events on the first Saturday of the month until June. There is still the Tuesday Pause on the first Tuesday of the month at St. James. Rev. Stephen and Rev. Catherine from St. James are planning on doing a Lenten Study on the book How to Be Brave by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde. Check the announcements for more information.

In the fall we were looking at a slight deficit in our church budget. I can now say after all the numbers have come in, we have $3000 extra in our account and $25,000 in our Building Fund which will definitely come in handy as we have to fix the downspouts outside the church after someone stole them. There are some other projects that need to be done as well. We also looked at the church budget for 2025. We will have final discussions and vote at the Annual Meeting.

We will have some events coming up in the near future. The Sunday School has been busy making the Leprosy banks. Hopefully you were able to admire all their work. They are also doing a Cross Project. We look forward to seeing what that is. Some of our upcoming events will be the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4. There is a need for some volunteers to help out. If you are interested, talk to the Christian Development Committee or the Church office. Also there is a need for volunteers for the Easter Breakfast. Again, contact the same people if you are able to help out.

We have another Book Sale coming up in early March. So, start collecting books if you have any.

Wanda Baker-Hayward

Board Chair

November 28, 2024 Meeting

I have to start out with the fact that we are still in a deficit position.  We have a deficit of about  $10,000.   Please remember this when you are giving to the church and as you plan what your  givings will be for 2025. 

We are also looking at the accessibility of the building because this is something that we think is  important.  We are hoping to get a grant to help us in this process. 

The Worship Committee has planned to stop recording people reading the scripture and move back to all in person readings.  There can be exceptions made if people really want to read but can not in person.  If you are  interested in reading, talk to Pat Cleave or any member of the Worship Committee. 

As you can see there are many events happening lately.  The Book/Bake/Christmas Room Sale, The Advent Event, Play.pray@church, PickleBall are some.  We have also had Souper Sunday, which has raised over $900 for The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre, run by our Truth and  Reconciliation Group. 

The church has been decorated and the Sunday School will be decorating the King Street entrance.

  Upcoming Events:

December 7 -  Play.pray@church

December 8 -  White Gift Service  -  Please bring a donation for the NDORC Food Bank

December 22 -  Lessons and Carols  -  Sunday School Christmas Party

 Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

October 24, 2024 Meeting

Our Board had our monthly meeting on October 24. We discussed the usual board business. In terms of financial matters the local donations are up but we are not where we need to be. We are still in a deficit situation. We will soon be starting our stewardship campaign to help with financial planning for next year. On a positive note we are doing well with our rentals and with our fundraising with the Grace Initiatives Committee.

We are entering our busy time of year with many fundraising and other types of events. We have a craft show and a book/Christmas sale coming up in November. Our Children’s choir has started practicing after church. The stockings will be up on November 17. Our Advent Event is happening on December 1 after church. We are having pictures taken for a new church directory.

We have partnerships with the other churches in our United Churches For Dartmouth group for the Play.pray@church. There are two more at Grace on November 2 and December 7. After that it will be at Port Wallis. You can also go to St. James United Church on Tuesday nights for the Tuesday Pause. We are also having conversations with St. James and Stairs to look at ways for possible partnerships for future activities.

Wanda Baker-Hayward


September 26, 2024 Board Meeting

Welcome back to church to all. September and into October are starting out to be busy in our church. We were able to celebrate Stephen’s 25 years at Grace recently on the day of our indoor picnic. It was a great time and the pizzas made by the Sunday School were enjoyed by all.

As part of the busyness of this season, we have many Grace Initiatives Committee projects coming up in the next month. Be sure to check the announcements and the church Friday emails to see what is happening. There are book sales, craft sales, bake sales,and brunches


We will be having an All Candidates Forum for the Municipal Election on the evening of October 11. Please plan to attend if you would like to learn more about each candidate.There is also an adult education series to be held on Tuesday’s. The Chosen will be viewed followed by a discussion. For more information contact the church office.

Other activities that are happening in conjunction with The United Churches for Dartmouth are the Play.pray@church. They are to be held on the first Saturday of the month with the first three to be held at Grace. This is a time for people of all ages to get together to do some crafts, have a short service, and eat together. Also St. James has a weekly contemplative service on Tuesday nights. These two projects came from the United Churches for Dartmouth Committee and grants from the Bermuda Nova Scotia Region.

When we look at the church finances,we are still in a deficit for finances with the repairs that we had to do this year and the fact that expenses are also up.On a positive note, our kitchen and hall rentals are up and the fundraising activities from the Grace Initiatives Committee have helped as well. We still have the fall to make up the deficit.

Wanda Baker-Hayward

Board Chair

May 23, 2024 Board Meeting

We had a meeting on May 23 with lovely desserts. Thanks to all who brought these wonderful contributions. It was a very short Board meeting since we are winding down to the start of summer and many committees do not have meetings or activities in June. We will be back to meetings and church activities in September right after Labour Day.

We are still in a deficit position financially at this time but compared to last year, we are in a much better position. Please remember your givings to the church over the summer if you are not on PAR. We are open in July but closed in the month of August for staff vacations. June brings the start of summer hours of 10 am which finish on Labour weekend.

There are still a few activities left before summer closure. There are the weekly Walks With Grace and there is Celebration Sunday and the Sunday School Closing on June 16.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful summer and that you take time to recharge. We will see you in September.

Wanda Baker-Hayward

Board Chair

April 25, 2024 Board Meeting

Here are the highlights from our April board meeting:

We are still in a deficit position with church finances but the deficit is smaller than it was with just a loss of $9000. We hope that as a result of the stewardship campaign, weekly givings increasing by 10%, the increase of people using PAR, and that there is still time in the year to

make up the deficit, that we should end the year with a positive bank balance.

We are in the final stages of our plan of organization with just making minor changes to it to bring it in line with how our church runs today. We were approached by Universal Portrait Studios about the possibility of doing a pictorial church directory. This is something that we might do in September.

After much discussion over two board meetings, we have passed a policy around the sale of raffle tickets on donated items such as baskets. Talk to any member of the board if you are interested to learn more about this policy.

As of our April board meeting, we are still planning to keep our Covid 19 restrictions with the three rows for masks only.

We are getting ready for a busy time of events in the church just before summer. Starting with the Potting Party on May 11, the Annual Perennial Sale on May 25 and a book sale on June 7 and 8. There will also be another board game night on May 17 followed by a family board game afternoon on May 18. Check the calendar of events or the PowerPoint each week for all the wonderful things that are happening at Grace.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

March 21, 2024 Board Meeting

So it is almost the end of March and Easter is upon us. Here is a small recap of the monthly board meeting held earlier this month. We started this year with a small deficit and we are still in a deficit position in terms of our local offering. We do have some time to make up the deficit but we do need to keep that in mind as we consider our monthly givings. Some good news, though, is that our hall rentals are up. I would like to welcome Brian Hutchinson who is taking over the position of Rental Manager from Bob Tobin. We look forward to working with him. Thank you Bob for all that you did in the position of Rental Manager and we wish you well.

We had to meet earlier this month since we had to vote on Remit 1. This Remit is to establish an autonomous national indigenous organization within the United Church of Canada. Remits are required when the General Council proposes making a change to the Manual. Remit 1 seeks to provide the Indigenous church with the authority to determine how it will govern itself; we can think of it like creating a new Region within the United Church of Canada. This Remit was stated more broadly than some so as to ensure the General Council doesn’t need to come back with follow up remits.The ask that has led to this remit process was brought forward by the National Indigenous Council. This comes as part of the truth and reconciliation process and the 94 Calls to Action. This Remit will help further the process of truth and reconciliation with our indigenous siblings. We voted in favour of this remit. All congregations in the United Church of Canada must vote on this remit before the end of March.

I want to bring to your attention again the link on our web page for Social Justice Issues. You can find templates there if you would like to write to our local, provincial and federal politicians about an issue that is close to your heart.

We are also looking for volunteers to work with others from the other United Churches in Dartmouth to start two types of monthly services at a time other than Sunday. One is going to have a family focus and the other is going to be more contemplative. Talk to Mark Hazen if interested.

Our online auction will be happening in the next month with some wonderful items to bid on. Also look in the announcements for other wonderful projects and events that our church and other United Churches in the area are holding.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

February 1, 2024 Board Meeting

The Board met this week and we had some good news in the area of finances. We were able to get pretty close to meeting our budget so we will go into 2024 with a small deficit. This was only due to many donations made in memory of Martin Walker that were put towards our local offering. This small deficit will make meeting the 2024 budget a bit more difficult. This is something that we should all think about when making our weekly/monthly monetary donations to the church. We will be having our stewardship campaign soon. Also on a positive note, we did see a saving of $6000 with not buying fuel this year thanks to the heat pumps.

We are also changing our Mask Only section. This will not be the whole area as it is now. The pews at the back will be mask only. There will be signage to help with the change.

Shirley Hazen and Vicki Harvey have updated the Sunday School information on the website. You should check out all the information for the Sunday school. Also in the area of families, United Churches For Dartmouth is looking into the idea of holding a family friendly meal and service possibly on a Saturday night. More information on this as it will not start until September. It is still in the planning stages.

There will be an information meeting on February 18 to get more information on the Remit that must be voted on by church boards in the United Church. More information about this to come. Since we are talking about events. Here are some of the upcoming events:

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13 at 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Cost is $5.00 a person/$15 a family.

Book Sale - March 1 and 2

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

November 23, 2023 Board Meeting

Here are the highlights from our November Board meeting.

We have sent letters to Nova Scotia politicians to address the social assistance rates. If you are interested in writing a letter, there is a link on our web page under social justice. You can use the letters as a template to help you write a letter as well.

With the cases of Covid like they are, we are still keeping our Covid restrictions in place. We will look at the restrictions again at our next meeting in February.

Going into the time of year where we plan our budget for next year, we are still in a deficit position with our local offerings. Hopefully with fundraising efforts and donations, we can make up the shortfall. We welcome Brenda Picco to the position of Envelope Steward. She is taking over after the death of Martin Walker. A member of our congregation who will be missed by all for his kindness and generosity.

This is a busy time of year at Grace. We had our Book/Christmas/Bake Sale. The Tree of Warmth and the Memory Tree are up. A Felting workshop was also held in November. The Christmas Stockings were put up and gifts must be returned by December 3. There will be a Board game night on December 1. We will not be caroling this year due to the Covid numbers but hopefully we can plan something for next year. The Advent Event will be held on December 3 right after church.

The Sunday School is a busy place as well. They are getting ready for the Children’s Christmas Eve Service. They are also expanding in numbers and hope to have a spot fixed up for the older children to meet separately. There will be two classes, not just one.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

October 26, 2023 Board Meeting

The Unified Board met on October 27 and here are some of the things that were discussed. Our local offering is up and various donations have come in but we are still in a deficit position. We are presently looking at losses of $22,000. Our rentals are down and the recent repairs have been costly. Right now we are focusing on repairs that need to be done.

There are no changes in our Covid restrictions with Covid on the rise again. We will examine this in the future and make changes if needed.

If you look at our website you will find an icon for Social issues. You can click on it and read letters that were sent out to various government officials on topics such as housing. You can use these letters as templates if you would like to add your voice to those

pressuring the government to look at their different policies in regards to these various issues.

Here are some of the programs and events that are happening at Grace in the next month.

·         Joel is looking at starting a Children’s Choir and the first meeting was October 29.

·         Stephen will be doing a study on Trauma in the Scripture in November. Watch the announcements for information.

·         Christmas Stockings will go up on November 19.

·         The Advent Event will be December 3 after church.

·         Needle Felting Class on November 18 from 1:30 to 3:30.

·         Book/Bake/Christmas Sale will be held on November 24 and 25.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

September 28, 2023 Board Meeting

The Unified Board met on September 28 and here are some highlights to share from our meeting. We are happy with the new heat pumps because it kept the sanctuary cool during hot days in August and September. We are also excited because our electric bill has gone down even with the running of the heat pumps. I guess they are energy efficient. We also had lots of projects done around the church this summer. There is always maintenance in an old building.

It has been great to meet our new Music Director, Joel Tranquilla and his family. We look forward to seeing what he and the choir have to offer in the coming months. Thank you to Carol Neilson for stepping up to coordinate our ambassadors and greeters. If you are interested in doing any of those jobs make sure you talk to Carol or the church office.

It was not all happy news at the board meeting. We are looking at a budget deficit at the present time. Our local offering is below by about $19 000 for what we need to cover our expenses and hall rentals are also down at this time. Summer is always a time with low
attendance and low local offering. If you are interested in Pre Authorized Remittance (PAR) for your church offering, now is a great time to do that.

Since it is now September, things are starting back up again. Sunday School is in full swing. To celebrate this an indoor picnic was held with games and mini pizzas. It looked like old and young were enjoying themselves.

The Grace Initiatives Committee also has some fundraising plans for Autumn into Winter. Keep your eye out for the Famous Book Sale in October, The Flea Market, Christmas crafts and decorations, and bake sale coming in November.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

May 25, 2023 Board Meeting

The Unified Board met on Thursday May 25 and here are some of the highlights from this meeting. We are happy to announce that our heat pumps are now paid off thanks to an anonymous donation and using funds from the recent auction.

We have had a new screen installed for the choir and by all counts it is greatly appreciated. We have plans for the Freedom 75 for Malcolm’s retirement. We have hired Joel Tranquilla as Director of Music starting August 1.

We are following up with our strategic planning and plan of organization work. We are also looking for someone to coordinate our greeters at the doors on Sunday. We are excited to start up our ambassador program again.

Upcoming events are:
June 9 and 10 - $5/bag book sale and plant sale
June 18 - Celebration Sunday and Sunday School Closing
June 25 - Open Streets in Dartmouth - Grace will have a book sale outside and possibly plants as well after church that day.
Remember that church is now at 10 am for June and August. Remember that we are closed for the month of July.

Wanda Baker-Hayward, Chair

April 27, 2023 Board Meeting

With regards to COVID precautions, the Board decided to continue to have an area where masks are optional and an area where masks are required.  We no longer require people to sit in alternate pews, so hymn books will be placed in all the pews.

 The AV team reported on changes they have made to accommodate to the Choir’s new position on the floor in the front of the church.  The most obvious is the new TV screen, bought with a directed donation, to be placed at the back of the church on the centre of the balcony, so that the Choir can see the service.

The Minister will be on Study Leave on May 21, and Rev. Ross Bartlett will be filling in.

Malcolm’s retirement reception is scheduled for June 4 after church.  A congregational letter with more information will be mailed in early May.

 The M&P committee reported on the work of the Director of Music Search Committee:  two candidates have been short-listed and interviewed.  They will have auditions with the choir on May 10.

Celebration of Sunday School closing and Appreciation for the work of the congregation will be after church on June18.

The Finance committee reported that we are behind budget by almost $13,000, which is not great, but is very similar to where we were at this time last year.  On a very positive note, Grace has received an extremely generous donation toward the heat pumps, so that the balance owing is down to only $900.

 Lorna Carter

Vice Chair, Unified Board

March 23, 2023 Board Meeting

We do have a deficit in our budget to date but the good news is that our rental income is up from previous years. Our local offering has also increased compared to last year and Grace Initiatives is getting ready for a busy season of fundraising activities.But at this meeting we approved the much needed repairs to the roof which are going to cost more than $45,000.  On a positive note, we are going to start back with some of the programs that were in place before Covid such as we will now see our Ambassadors at the back of the church on a weekly basis and our monthly Moments for Mission could start back as early as next month.

Some of the activities that we will see in the coming months are as follows: Book Sales on March 24 & 25 and June 9 & 10. There will be an online fundraising auction going live on April 17. Our Annual Perennial Sale and Flea Market will be on May 27.

United Churches For Dartmouth will be holding an event including a chapel service and a talk and questions and answers with the Moderator of the United Church Carmen Lansdowne on April 15 from 3 pm to 5 pm at Woodlawn United Church. All members of the congregation are invited. We will be doing a Strategic Planning Session with Ross Bartlett on April 22 from 9 am to 4 pm. Members of the congregation are welcome and a light lunch will be provided. 

Wanda Baker-Hayward


January 26, 2023 Board Meeting

The Unified Board met by Zoom and in-person Thursday night January 26th.  This was my last meeting as Board Chair as the annual meeting will be held after church on Sunday, February 26th.  I would like to thank all of the members of the Board, staff and volunteers who have made the past two years so much better than they could have been given the Pandemic situation.  There are still positions available on the Board if you have an interest in helping in the governance of the congregation – talk to Pat Cleave.

We made it through 2022 with only a small deficit, and have paid off all but about $16,000 of the heat pumps. In addition, the congregational giving to outreach projects such as the Tree of Warmth and Stocking campaigns was tremendous.  It is heartening to see the congregation getting back together at the Christmas season services and at Coffee fellowship.  As we move into the new year the board is actively planning congregational activities.  The Warming Centre is now open on Tuesdays (5-7pm) in the upper hall as an outreach to the community; there will be a Board Game night on Friday, February 17; Shrove Tuesday pancake supper on February, 21; a Lenten study in March; and a Book Sale on Friday-Saturday, March 24 & 25.  Grace Initiatives is also investigating the possibility of a Lobster Takeout Dinner and an online auction for April.

In addition, the Board has begun a process of Strategic Planning to build upon the excellent survey work conducted last summer to guide us into the future, this will also include an examination and updating of our Plan of Organization.

Unfortunately, the Board has received the long dreaded resignation of Malcolm Bradley as music director, as of the end of May – although he will continue to lead the music program until the July vacation period.  A committee has been struck to seek out a new music director and has already begun to gather information etc.  Malcolm will truly be missed, but it is our hope that he will continue to be part of our community.

I look forward to seeing you at church, at events and at coffee time.

Mark Hazen



Chair’s Letter in Stewardship Package

December 6, 2022

Adventurous Advent and Merry Christmas,

This mailout package has two purposes. Firstly, to ensure you know about the Christmas activities at Grace this year as we celebrate the start of a new Church year with a re-invigorated aim to shine forth God's message of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

And secondly, to send you our annual Stewardship Campaign resources. In the wider world, stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. For Christians it is that and more. We acknowledge that everything we have and everything that we are is a gift from God, we are grateful and want to use these gifts to make God's love visible by imitating Jesus.

The United Church has captured God's call to us in six words; deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice. The included infographic provides highlights of how Grace tries to live this. Grace depends on the support of people in the congregation to help us carry out of mission. The stewardship campaign is a time for us to consider our gifts of time, talent and money that we have and what we will commit to our call of deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice.

In the package you will find material related to your financial commitments. As always, we recommend the use of PAR (monthly automatic withdrawal) for donations as this allows more consistent budgeting. Whether you use PAR or envelopes or occasional donations, we ask that you prayerfully consider an increase to givings for2023 of 5%.

Despite careful management of our resources, as of the end of October, we were running a deficit of $14,000. The first three months of heating fuel consumed the entire year's budget and more, but more important i srevenues are lower than anticipated. Generous grants enabled us to switch to heat pumps, with the benefit of lowering both our greenhouse gas output and heating fuel cost pressures. Gifts to our building fund will enable us to retire that debt (approximately $26,000).

A church does not run on finances alone, we need people's time and skills. Volunteering to serve at coffeef ellowship, greet or helping with our fundraisers is very useful but we need volunteers for both the Board andf or committees. These people help guide the church and our activities. Almost all of our committee chairs are either at the end (or past) their three-year term. We have a three-year term to avoid both burnout, and fears of"Chair for Life". But without new volunteers joining and learning about the committee work, it is becoming extremely difficult to maintain this policy. You do not have to be a board member to be a committee member. Information on Committees is on our homepage on the "link to Anniversary Letter" icon. Please see myself, Pat Cleave (Chair of Nominating) or Rev. Fram if you have a few hours a month in which you might help out. It's a great way to meet some new people and learn about Grace's activities.

Mark Hazen

Chair of Unified Board of Grace United Church

November 24, 2022 Meeting

The Unified Board met by Zoom and in-person Thursday night November 24th.  We are pleased that the new Heat Pumps are now installed and working.  Not only does this project make sense financially (Oil cost us double this year – over 11k), but it fits with our mission of “Daring Justice”, doing our part to fight climate change.  We have received close to 60k in grants, so our cost is only 26k.  In early December you will receive a stewardship mailout, we are in desperate need of people on committees and are currently about 14k under budget for the year.

I hope that you all were able to take part in our incredible choir-led anniversary service.  The music was absolutely wonderful.  If not you can find the service on YouTube in the church’s channel, or from our webpage.  That is our Deep Spirituality working!

The Board discussed a number of issues relating to Bold Discipleship – specifically our outreach.  Grace remains deeply committed to, and strongly supports, efforts to fight poverty.  Support for Margaret’s House and the Foodbank at Stairs.  The Christmas stocking campaign to provide gifts is well underway, and the Tree of Warmth is set up at the back of the church.  In September we were approached about hosting an overnight shelter, after meeting with the government representatives it was apparent that our premises would not fit the need.  However, we are pleased that Rev Fram’s suggestion (and introduction) has led Christ Church to hosting the new 20 bed shelter.  Rev Fram is investigating if there are ways we can support that initiative.  All of these issues of poverty and homeless-ness have at least one root in lack of stability of income.  The United Church of Canada has a program to support the concept of a guaranteed annual income.  You can find details here or a second program at .  Paper copies of information will be made available.

December, will, as always, be a busy time.  Advent starts this Sunday 27 Nov with an after church Advent event, and Carol Sing.  Then on Dec 4 there is White Gift Sunday to support the Foodbank.  Dec 18 will be the Children’s Christmas party, and baking of cookies for Margaret’s House.  And on the 24th there will be an in-person Family service in the afternoon, followed by Christmas Eve service in the evening.

I look forward to seeing you at church, at events and at coffee time.

Mark Hazen, Chair

September 29, 2022 Meeting

The Unified Board met by Zoom Thursday night September 29th.  Church life is ramping up, however, expenses are up as well.  Although we always come out of the summer with a deficit, the high oil bills in the spring and other expenses means at the end of August we had a deficit of about 12000.  The new heat pumps are finally to be installed the week of October 18th which we hope will mitigate future energy bills.  In-person attendance is running at about 60 people (including the choir) with another 15-20 simultaneously online, and we are enjoying the fellowship of coffee time after the service.

Rev. Fram has just finished up a study of the award winning book “Five Little Indians” – an extremely well written novel that at the same time is very challenging.  It was especially relevant in the leadup to National Truth and Reconciliation Day.  Rev Fram and Debbie are off for a two week holiday to celebrate 40 years of marriage and I wish them well.  In the meantime the choir is building toward some major events, and we celebrated the 30th year of Malcolm’s tenure as music director on Sunday.  The week before Fiona hit, we had our Sunday School opening with pizza etc.  And Grace Initiatives is looking to move some books; Giant ($5/bag) Book Sales 14-15 October and 25-26 November; if you are not into books then there is a Sea Glass Workshop on 12 Nov.  Blair is also thinking about a take-out supper.  Stay tuned.

We have been in contact with the developers of the Post Office lands and the Board approved in principle the terms for an agreement to provide for staff parking into the future.  Of course, there are many steps for the developer before anything can be finalized.  The Board continues to review our Covid policies at each meeting; and is monitoring health issues.

We hope to kick off our annual stewardship campaign this month.  While this always screams finances to most people, stewardship is about way more than that, and an issue for all our committees is the need for more people – you do not need to be a member of the board to join a committee.  But, if you would like to be on the board we need people there as well – we have several committee chairs who are due some relief.  While it is our policy for a committee chair to serve for a single 3 year term a couple of our chairs agreed to stay on during the pandemic – and it is time to let them (as well as the ones whose term ends this year) have a rest.  Please see myself or Pat Cleave or Rev Fram if you have an interest or would like to know where there are opportunities.

I look forward to seeing you at church, at events and at coffee time.

Mark Hazen


May 26, 2022 Meeting

26 May 2022 

The Unified Board met by Zoom Thursday night, and June is going to be a busy, exciting month at Grace.  Malcolm has three weeks of special music (Early Spring Sacred Music Festival) lined up starting this week, and then the next week (4 June) is the Perennial (and New to You) Sale on Saturday.  Take two weeks and it is the next Giant Book Sale, 17-18 June.  And then on the 26th is SWITCH Dartmouth, Blair is hoping to put some tables of books out on King and Ochterloney Streets after the service. 

Please note that service time shifts to 10am starting in June and running through until the end of August.  Joint services will be held with St James as usual; services at Grace in July and at St. James in August.   

In line with the loosening of restrictions in the province, Grace Board decided to move from requiring to strongly recommending masks.  Social distancing will remain for now, and space will be designated for those who are uncomfortable with being around those who are unmasked.  The choir will continue to be masked for singing (except for designated soloist etc). This will start in June. 

Finances remain similar to last month, we are running a bit further behind than usual for this time of year – the price of oil really hit hard in Jan-Mar.  On that front, we are awaiting the arrival of the new heat-pumps to have the old oil furnaces removed.  The Property Committee has also begun getting quotes for the remaining roof work and some urgent painting. 

Our friends at Christ Church are organizing to sponsor/assist some of the Ukrainian refugees arriving in June and have asked if Grace would join in.  If you are interested please contact myself or Rev Fram.  In the meantime we continue to hold all of the 100 million refugees and displaced people in the world in our prayers. 

I look forward to seeing you at church, at events and at coffee time. 

Mark Hazen, Chair

April 28, 2022 Meeting

The Unified Board met by Zoom on Thursday night.  There are a number of items of note from the past month.  First, in my mind, were the amazing Easter week events: A wonderful ecumenical Good Friday service with Christ Church Anglican and Victoria Road United Baptist Churches; the early riser service and breakfast, and then the main Easter communion service.  Jesus is indeed risen and active amongst us. 

Then there was our first congregational fund-raising event – the giant book sale.  As with fellowship after church, it was a great opportunity to get together as a community.  Sales were close to $900.00; but never fear, Blair, the book guru, has many more books for the next sale 17-18 June.  And speaking of sales, the Grace Initiatives team is well into planning for the Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, 4 June.  If you are into gardening, there will be a potting party Saturday morning, 28 May at Blair’s; lots of hands makes the work go faster. 

Property wise the heat-pump project is well underway; the new electrical entrance is being installed this week and the heat pumps arrive in early May.  This is good because the oil bill for this past winter was not!  We are currently running about $13,000 in the red due to higher heating costs and lower rental revenue (due to COVID), and the building fund is still quite depleted from last year’s maintenance program. 

The Innovation and Implementation committee is launching a major project this Sunday to survey the congregation on our future direction coming out of the pandemic.  The survey will be available online and in paper, and will be followed by focus groups.  

There will be an Emergency First Aid Course (including CPR) for congregation members, Saturday, May 7, 1:00 pm, in the upper hall.  Please contact the church office if you are interested. 

Finally, with the infection numbers still very high the board has decided to continue with our current policies on masking and social distancing with a review at the May board meeting.

Mark Hazen, Chair of the Unified Board 

March 24, 2022 Meeting

The 2022 Unified Board (post Annual Meeting) had its first meeting (by zoom) Thursday night. I am pleased to report that our committees are working hard on programs and transitioning to post-pandemic times. Grace Initiatives is expecting two book sales in April and June, and the return of the perennial Sale on June 4. We have restarted Coffee Fellowship following Sunday services (Ann Mugford is always looking for volunteers to help with that). The Lent in a Bag program seems to have gone well, if you have not received your bag please call the office. The furnace replacement project is moving ahead with electrical upgrades being done this week – which is good because the last oil bill was quite high. The Board held a strategic planning session in late February and the I2 committee is leading a survey project to engage the whole community in this work – stay tuned for more information post-Easter. The choir is back and mighty in numbers and voice, which has been a blessing for us all. However, there are challenges as well; a number of committees are low in numbers (you do not have to be a member of the Board to join a committee, so if you have a yen to help out please see Stephen or myself). Financially, we are down a bit in revenue, and like everyone expenses are going up – while we are working hard to mitigate expenses. There are capital and maintenance costs that are required; so please remember the Building Fund as you make your charitable plans for the year. The Board has decided to maintain masking and modified social distancing protocols until at least the end of April (with review at the next Board meeting); this is in line with the other United Churches in Dartmouth.

Mark Hazen, Chair of the Unified Board

January 27, 2022 Meeting

Grace Unified Board met last night (27 Jan 22) for our first regular meeting of 2022.  In spite of the Omicron lock down there is still lots of things going on.  Rev. Fram is back from his sabbatical and looking forward to using his new found knowledge.  The Board will be meeting late in Feb to look at strategic directions coming out of the pandemic.  The annual meeting will be held 27 Feb following the church service – online and/or hybrid depending upon health regulations.  After some discussion, the board agreed to a proposal to once again run a Lenten Bag project (replacing the usual Easter Mailout) implementing feedback from the Advent Bag project.  I expect that the Bags will be delivered late in Feb for the start of Lent on 2 March.  There will be an online Christian Education program in Feb/Mar led by Jessica Crabtree (AST student at Stairs Memorial) entitled “Christian Cliches Unpacked”.  Information to sign up for it will be on the website soon.  Members of the congregation have also been busy at the Foodbank and supporting Margaret’s House.  The Board reviewed the proposed budget for 2022 which includes a long-overdue increase in Outreach support.  We finished the year with a slight surplus in regular finances, and a small deficit in the Building Fund.  However, the project to replace our aging oil furnaces with heat-pumps is looking very good (possibly 75% covered by grants), so we hope to have that done this spring.

Mark Hazen, Chair of the Unified Board

Notes From the Chair
November 25 Meeting

The Board had its November meeting by Zoom. We are doing okay financially but our local offering is down from where it should be to meet our expenses. Hopefully we will end the year with a positive bank balance. We have picked up some new kitchen renters which is positive but we have lost a major lower hall renter. Our building fund has a negative balance since we have had to do some expensive repairs to the roof. The Property Committee is looking into green heating options for the church in the form of heat pumps which should save some money on heating. There are also grants out there to help with this project. We look forward to hearing more about this in the future.

In terms of church activities, we had a successful book sale in October and hopefully our November one is as well. Starting November 28, deliveries of Advent Bags will be made to congregation members. We are also going to have our annual Advent Event. We are calling it Advent Event 3.0 as it will be held after church on Sunday instead of in the evening. On December 12, we will be
holding a little farewell get together for Rev. Wendy Kean since that will be her last Sunday. It will be simple and held at coffee fellowship.

Wanda Baker-Hayward
Vice-Chair of the Unified Board

Anniversary Letter/Stewardship Campaign

November 8, 2021

2021 Stewardship Campaign

 It’s Grace’s 168th Anniversary, a time to reflect on where we have been, and a time to think about where we want to be going!  The Board is currently working through a process of visioning what our community may look like as we come out of this Pandemic period.  An important part of that process is thinking about what resources our community has to put toward achieving its vision.  Which brings me to stewardship.

 At Grace we have, during my time, always been intentional about talking about Stewardship at about this time of the year.  And yes, stewardship is often about money, but it should be more than that.  The three Ts are: Time, Talent and Treasure.  Thankfully God has graced us with people who contribute in all three ways!  And, I thank everyone for what they are able to contribute, in any way, to the mission of the church.

 In terms of Time and Talent, many of our committees are short of people (you do not need to be a Board member to volunteer for a committee).  Committees generally meet about nine times a year.  Do you have some time in your schedule and perhaps a talent for social media? The Communications committee would love to have you.  Do you have an interest in education or libraries? The Christian Development committee needs people in general; Sunday school and church library in particular.  Do you groove on taking videos or running a sound board? Well there are opportunities with Worship, Communications and the AV team.  Are you a handy-person? The Property committee is maintaining a hundred year-old building, the opportunities to be doing stuff are almost endless.  Are you a people person?  Well Pastoral Care and Outreach are always looking for people to help with social events, visitation and support to social justice organizations; And we are looking to develop a congregational contact group to improve our capability to keep in contact with members.  Perhaps you only have time on an irregular basis, well Grace Initiatives is always looking for help with its fundraising projects (plant sale, giant book sales etc)  So take a few seconds and think about what your talents are, if you have some time to do a few things, and if so, call the church or email me at, so we can explore where there are opportunities for you and the community.

 In terms of Treasure we are asking everyone to consider at least a 3% increase in givings for the coming year in order to meet the increasing cost of operations.  As you are all probably aware, prices are up for almost everything, and the same is true for church expenses.  In addition, the building fund needs replenishment after a year of structural repairs (almost complete) and tracking down a set of leaks in the roof.  A robust building fund will be needed to supplement the available “green energy” grant programs, as we look at how we can “green” our operations.  On the upside, our rental program has recovered well.  Grace is indeed a busy place.

 Accompanying this letter is a givings statement and a PAR form.  We strongly encourage the use of the United Church’s automatic withdrawal program PAR, as it allows us to better predict cash flow versus expenses. If you are on PAR or wish to start PAR, please fill out the PAR form indicating how much you wish to donate each month to each category, and return it to the church in the enclosed envelope.  If you are not on PAR, donations may be made in your usual fashion: regular offering, special givings etc.

 I thank you for your time and consideration of the above and look forward to working with you in 2022.

Mark Hazen

Chair, Grace Unified Board

Notes from the Chair

October 28 Meeting

The Board had its October meeting Thursday 28, October by Zoom. Thankfully, due to a couple of large donations in September our finances are stable, although still below budget. Our annual Stewardship campaign will be coming along with the Anniversary letter. Speaking of Anniversary Service, Rev. Dr .Rob Fennel will be our speaker on November 21, and there may be a special Fellowship time to celebrate the day. The first Sunday of Advent is November 28, how time is flying by! While we are not yet ready to do the evening Advent Potluck, there will be a modified Advent Event following the morning service, of coffee, cookies and carols. In addition, we will be doing an all household "Advent in a Bag" project, similar to the "Lent in a Bag" project last spring; this will include the Christmas letter to keep costs down. Sunday school is continuing downstairs at the same time as the service in the old daycare space (room just opposite the outside stairs entrance).

The Property Committee is moving on the project to green our building and replace the old oil furnaces, and there is some roofing that will be done in November. On other fronts, we are moving ahead with a project in the New Year to survey the congregation about what sorts of things we should be doing in the community and have launched a project to prepare for next years National Truth and Reconciliation Day (30 September).

As I look over all the things discussed by the Board, it is clear that Grace remains committed to our intention of transforming lives by living God’s vision as an active part of the diverse community in the Heart of Dartmouth.

Mark Hazen, Chair of the Unified Board

Thanksgiving Letter from the Chair

Dear Friends,

 As Rev. Wendy says in her letter we are in a time of transition.  There is the short-term transition of Rev. Wendy filling in for Rev. Stephen’s sabbatical until mid-December and there is the rather longer transition of being the Church during pandemic and post-pandemic times.

Your Board is going forward in a slow and careful approach based on Public Health regulations, being mindful that it is the duty of us all to protect the vulnerable amongst us.  For the foreseeable future, we will remain masked at worship (except choir and speakers while singing/speaking) as our children are not able to be vaccinated.  We will also be continuing to provide access to services over the internet via our YouTube channel.  Visit

 However, other Church activities are resuming.  We have restarted fellowship time after Church (without food), choir practice, Time for Grace, and in-person Sunday School (separate tables and supplies).  Our breakfasts have resumed by Zoom.  At 7pm, Monday, October 18, we will start a six-week book study “How the Bible Actually Works” by Zoom.  E-mail me at if you are interested.  We also have Walk with Grace, an opportunity to walk in dartmouth with other people from Grace.

Throughout this Pandemic we have continued to support the most vulnerable among us, as our volunteers work at the NDORC Foodbank every week and produce a monthly casserole lunch for Margaret’s House.  As well, we have maintained our level of donations to organizations who work with other vulnerable groups.

 It has been challenging to be the church at this time, when we have not been able to gather; whether at worship services, social events or fundraising activities.  It has taken its toll on our feeling of community and on our resources; local givings have declined and we have been unable to have our usual fundraising events.  However, we have also been blessed by the extraordinary commitment of our staff and lay people as they seek ways to continue the Church’s mission.

 Christianity has always been countercultural, even after 2,000 years.  Where the world proclaims scarcity, Christianity proclaims abundance. abundance of God’s grace and resources.  It is about sharing, not hoarding.  At Thanksgiving we focus on the abundance that we have been given and give thanks to God. 

 In a deeply practical way, you can share of the abundance you have been given, by making a Thanksgiving gift to the Church.  For your use we have enclosed an addressed envelope for this offering which can mailed to or dropped-off at the Church or we also accept e-transfer (e-mail and our suggested security question is donate with the answer being thanksgiving – all lower-case).  We also welcome suggestions for how we can use our time and talent to further God’s mission.  For example, Malcolm is once again looking for singers for the choir.

 Happy Thanksgiving,

 Mark Hazen

Notes from the Chair

September 24 Meeting

It's the end of September, it's autumn, and we are still in Phase 4. The Board will be continuing to follow Public Health guidelines under which faith services are deemed essential. However, in line with our Christian duty to keep others safe we are maintaining our requirements for masking and social distancing indoors, and hoping that those who decide to worship in-person have done everything possible to safeguard themselves and others. For those who are uncomfortable with current safeguards, we invite them to join us live on YouTube and/or volunteer to do a pre-recorded reading.

We welcome, Rev Wendy Kean as our part-time supply during Rev. Fram's sabbatical. Wendy's office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

The church office will be closed for National Truth and Reconciliation Day, 30 September, please take time that day to learn about the relations between the First Nations and Canada.

The work of the church is continuing with a number of weddings and funerals, Sunday School restarting 3 October (fully masked), a Bible study starting 18 Oct, choir practice on Wed nights (Malcolm is looking for singers), our outreach to the Food Bank and Margaret's House, services at Parkland and so on.

Financially, the situation remains challenging, as local offerings are down and we have not been able to fundraise, especially given the structural repairs undertaken over the summer. Although it is mitigated somewhat by a healthy rental program for small businesses. At the end of August, we are showing a deficit of $11,000 in the operating fund and $20,000 in the building fund.

The mantra that "Time, Talent and Treasure are all needed" is especially relevant in these times as we look at new ways of ministry to the congregation, the community and the world. In particular, I would encourage members to reach out to friends who they have not seen in a while to check on how they are doing. We are called to spread the good news that God loves all of us, and one way of doing this is spending a bit of time to have a chat with people we have not seen in a while.

Mark Hazen, Chair of Unified Board

August 26, 2021 Meeting

Despite the fact that it is the middle of summer (and another election) the Board met on Aug 26 to start laying plans for autumn. We kicked things off with some ideas from the Executive, who met a week earlier, with a discussion of how members are feeling about return to in-person worship and rebuilding our community. Responses ranged from those who have already returned to in-person worship to those who will not be coming back in-person until their health concerns are addressed by wider vaccine coverage. There was a consensus on that we will be continuing to require masking even when the province hits phase 5; and that we are all missing the opportunities for socialization. The board has decided that a cautious approach will be taken towards increasing in-building opportunities for socialization.

In the meantime, in-person worship was held at St James in July and now at Grace. Services shift to 11am on 5 Sept, and 12 Sept will be the last service for Rev Fram before his sabbatical. Rev Wendy Kean will be filling in, half-time, for Rev Fram from 19 Sept until mid-Dec. There will be a farewell for Rev. Fram on the 12th and a welcome for Rev Kean on the 19th. Plans for children's programs are progressing with an expectation that there will be an event on Sept 26 (two weeks after the start of the school year).

Financially, building rentals are well on their way to recovery, but we remain about $11,000 below budget due to lower local giving and lack of fundraising. The Property Committee has completed the buttress - tower work for the year and is now awaiting some roof repairs before starting on the water damage in the ceiling of the sanctuary. An energy audit, paid for by a grant from Region 15, has been completed and the Property Committee will be considering the recommendations.

During this summer of elections, Grace has worked with Christ Church Anglican to provide an All Candidates Forum for Dartmouth South (provincially) and will be co-hosting one on Sept 7 at 7pm for Dartmouth Cole-Harbour (federally); both at Christ Church Anglican. Sample questions to ask candidates when they come to your door will be available at the church and on our website.

We hope everyone is staying safe and having a great summer. And, we look forward to meeting at some point this autumn.

Take care, stay safe

Mark Hazen

June 13, 2021 Meeting

In the ongoing adventure of an older property maintenance, the Board met on Sunday by Zoom and approved a $40,000 request to borrow money from the Memorial Fund by the Property Committee to fix additional issues the buttress contractor has found, and take advantage of the current scaffolding to replace the 40 year old shingles on the tower. This is in additional to money that will be used from the Building Fund.

The Board also learned that our grant request to Region 15 to cover an energy audit of the building has been approved. The results of the energy audit will inform us as to what we will need to do to move our century old building into the new century in a responsible way.

In addition, the Board voted to donate a symbolic amount of $215 to the United Church Healing Fund which provides financial support to healing projects initiated in Indigenous communities by and for former residential school students and their families. We encourage the support of the Healing fund, and the complementary Justice and Reconciliation Fund as we work towards a better world.

For the month of July we will be worshipping with our friends at St. James and they in turn will join us starting August 8th. Whether we will be in person or on-line remains to be seen. Rev Snyder is posting on-line reflections to the St. James Facebook page at present but is hoping to be broadcasting again from their sanctuary when the health regulations allow it.

Take care, stay safe.

Mark Hazen

May 27, 2021 Meeting

The Board met for last time until August on May 27.  In general, operations are moving along well; given the health restrictions - rental income is, of course, down; and as usual for this time of year, we are running a deficit.  Our investments of time and talent toward online services is paying dividends.  The Board has applied for funding to cover an energy audit for the building.  In the meantime, the Property Committee has moved forward on fixing the last buttress - you will see the scaffolding has gone up next to the tower.  They are also moving on getting the required roofing done.  These two jobs will pretty much empty the building fund as construction costs have gone up substantially.  However, getting these jobs done is essential before we can move forward on other issues.  Rev. Fram will be on Educational Leave the last two weeks of June.  Then we are into our regular summer schedule with St. James taking services and pastoral care issues in July, and Grace doing so in August.  Looking forward, Rev. Fram will be on Sabbatical from 13 Sept. to 13 Dec., and the Board approved a motion to appoint Rev. Wendy Kean as half-time supply for that period.  If you want an early glimpse of Rev. Kean she is doing summer supply at Stairs.  I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer, and I look forward to seeing people while we are out walking the neighbourhood(s).  Stay safe, be kind, and stay connected!

Mark Hazen,

Chair, Unified Board

April 22, 2021 Meeting

So here we are again, back in lock-down, and back to on-line only services! While it is disappointing, we know we can handle it, and that it is the correct thing for the government to be doing. However, it impacts us, and it impacts our community. I urge you to reach out to other members of Grace by phone, text or other socially distanced methods to keep in contact and check on each other. Being an introvert myself I know this can be difficult, but support for one another, and contact with one another is important to maintain community and combat isolation issues.

The Unified Board met April 22 and overall we are doing okay. Finances, while not in the black, are a bit better than last year at this time. Property Committee has started the process of finishing the roof repairs, which should then allow them to address the paint issues on the ceiling of the sanctuary. Use of the building is as good as the health regulations allow. The Property Committee has also started the process to determine how we might modernize our heating and electrical systems by setting up the professional energy audit that will be needed to apply for government and church green energy grants. Planning for Rev. Fram's Fall Sabbatical continues. With respect to the sale of the Post Office lands the Board is contacting the vendor to understand the terms of the sale, while also exploring community interest in the development of the property.

Spiritual reflections, crafts, meditations and Bible stories continue on our Facebook site. Take a look. In the meantime, I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy some of the sporadic sunshine that is a Nova Scotia spring.

Stay safe, stay connected, and get vaccinated.

Mark Hazen, Chair, Unified Board

March 25, 2021 Meeting

The Board met on 25 March, 2021 via Zoom and welcomed a number of new members: John Menzies; Anthony Archibald; Joanne Hodder; Claire Munroe; and Sara Napier. As of the meeting our revenues remain good and what programs that pandemic times allow are continuing. The Board is looking to how we can rejoin and connect as a community in these strange times; the "Walk with Grace" initiative on Sunday afternoons is one way. In addition, the Board is looking at how we can become a greener energy space. Plans for Stephen's sabbatical, during which he will be working on a Master's degree at AST, are well underway. Starting Tuesday, April 20th Stephen will be doing a Zoom based study based on the book “Black Prophetic Fire”; this timely study also provides a venue for us to meet and grow together. I hope everyone is enjoying our spurts of fine weather; stay safe; get vaccinated and let us hope that we can soon safely gather together to be a beacon of God’s love in the world.

Mark Hazen, Chair, Unified Board

Annual Congregation Meeting - March 7

The Annual Meeting was another first - all done virtually. Thank you to all those who participated. We ended 2020 with a balanced budget due to generous donations and some reduced expenses. In 2021, Rev. Fram will be taking his postponed sabbatical in September so planning is starting on filling in for him for those three months. However, this does mean that the 2021 expenses will increase. There was no unusual business during the meeting. We welcomed a number of new members to the board and said farewell to others. It was noted by the Nominations Committee that we have a number of Committee Chairs (Christian Development and Communications) whose term has expired without there being a replacement. They have graciously agreed to extend by a year. It does point out that we have a few committees that need more volunteers. You do not need to be a member of the board to be a member of a committee, and it can be a great way of finding out more about how the church operates. But, of course, the committee chairs do need to be member so the board.

Pat Cleave's term as Board Chair finished and the penultimate action was for me to take over as chair. Wanda Baker-Hayward was elected as Vice-Chair, while she continues as Chair of Christian Education for a year. Pat has been a steady hand on the tiller for this past tempestuous year, but she is continuing as a Representative to Region 15 and to United Churches for Dartmouth.

Looking forward, we have lots of challenges to take on: how to rebuild community in post-Pandemic times; greening our Infrastructure; etc. But we have shown that, with God's Help, we can do these things!

Mark Hazen, Chair, Unified Board

January 28, 2021 meeting

The Unified Board met by Zoom.

'Thank you notes' were received from the staff members for their Christmas gifts.  Thank-yous were also received from community agencies that Grace supported in 2020 through our outreach funds.

In December, an inspection found that one of our furnaces needed replacing.  We replaced the furnace.  The Board also directed the Property Committee to explore greener options for heating. Another group is exploring grant options to assist with the costs.

The Unified Board gratefully accepted a donation of a television for the lower classroom from Bob Tobin, our Rental Manager.

The Unified Board had approved a sabbatical leave for Rev. Fram for autumn 2020.  When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, Rev. Fram postponed his sabbatical so that he could provide the critical leadership needed to adjust to the new reality.  The Board approved the revised plan for Rev. Fram to take his sabbatical September 2021 to mi-December 2021.  Rev. Fram sabbatical plans involve working toward a Master's degree at Atlantic School of Theology.

The Finance Committee presented the financial statement for 2020 and proposed a budget for 2021.  The details will be presented in the Annual Report and presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  As a summary, the end of year financials showed a very small surplus.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on March 7 at 1:00 pm. The meeting will take place on Zoom.  A link for the meeting and copy of the Annual Report will be sent to members on the emailing list.  If you do not currently receive emails from Grace or wish to attend the AGM but cannot access through Zoom, contact the office.                                                                                              

Pat Cleave, Chair, Unified Board


November 26, 2020

The Unified Board meet via Zoom for its regular monthly meeting.  2020 has been a challenging and unusual year.  The Grace United community has proven to be resilient as we adjust to changing contexts.  That was very evident in the reports presented at the Unified Board.

Mark Hazen reported that there has been a third AV team trained so that the workload for live-streaming is now shared between the three teams.

The Worship Committee (Andrew Paton, Chair) lead a very meaningful Anniversary Sunday. The video message from Rev. Moase, a previous minister at Grace, was a good example of how we can use technology.  Dick Charlton is recording members of Grace reading scriptures.  It is wonderful to 'see' different people and to have this connection.  Given the new restrictions, planning for Christmas services are being adjusted - stay tuned as both a family service at 3:30 pm and a 7 pm Christmas Eve services are planned.

Ann Mugford, Chair Pastoral Care and Outreach, outlined ways that Grace's activities are being modified.  Grace is continuing to support our broader community through our outreach activities such as 'Tree of Warmth', sponsoring families, and providing personal care items for gift bags through the Foodbank.  Cash donations or dropping items off during office hours are ways that members of Grace can participate.

Wanda Baker-Hayward (Chair, Christian Development) reported that they are continuing to hold Sunday School virtually and plan to do a virtual Advent Event.

On behalf of the Communication Committee, Shirley Hazen, reported that Joanie Veitch will be creating another video, one highlighting Grace's support for Margaret's House.  The use of social media, led by the Communication Committee, is critical to maintaining connections in these times.  Keep up to date on happenings at Grace and how to support our outreach activities on our website and on our Facebook page.

Lynn Loder, (Chair, Finance Committee) reported that with strong support from our members, Grace's financial position is similar to other years even though rental income and fundraising opportunities are lower.

Bob Picco, (Chair, Property) reported that the furnace for the Sanctuary needs replacing.  The Board approved the replacement and determined that the Board will actively explore alternatives for greener heating options.  The Property Committee will take the lead on determine the options and their implications.  A second ad hoc Committee will look for possible grants or other funding options.

Pat Cleave,

Chair, Unified Board


Unified Board Notes

October 8, 2020

 The Unified Board had a ‘zoom’ meeting on October 8, 2020 for a regular meeting. Over the summer, the Board also met twice over the summer to discuss plans for restarting in-person worship services.

 In-person worship was restarted on September 13 with a rigorous process to ensure adherence to the Public Health requirements. Those who have attended have noted the value of being together for worship. While reservations are encouraged for the in-person attendance as it simplifies planning, they are not required. To reserve your spot for in-person prior to noon on Thursday, phone the office (902-466-3329) or e-mail You can find a video showing the protocol for attending services on our website However, feel free to come on Sunday even if you haven’t reserved. In person worship is only one option. Grace will continue to provide high quality live streaming of the service for those for whom joining from home is the best option.

 The Board voted to write a letter to the federal government in support of a guaranteed living income. The national church has sample letters which will be used to draft Grace’s letter.

 Lynn Loder, Treasurer, updated the Board on Grace’s finances. As expected, income from rentals is down although some renters have returned. All renters are operating with the required procedures mandated by Public Health. In addition, our usual fundraisers have been cancelled this year so far. However, Grace’s financial position is solid. This is because of a combination of the generous support of our members and fewer expenses as a result of the reduced activities due to the pandemic restrictions.

 Mark Hazen, on behalf of the AV committee, reported that a third team is being trained so that the workload can be spread out.  The committee continues to refine the equipment and processes to simplify and improve our live streaming capabilities.

 The Christian Education Committee (Wanda Baker-Hayward, chair) reported that Sunday School has begun. It is being held virtually at 10:30 before the Sunday service. In addition, the class gathered outdoors at the Dartmouth Commons for a in person meeting in September. The children enjoyed seeing each other and another in person event is being discussed.

 I want to again acknowledge the commitment and extraordinary work done by Grace’s staff, Rev. Stephen Fram, Malcolm Bradley, Thelma Blaikie, our office administrator, Bill Busby, our janitor, and  Bob Tobin, our rental manager. COVID-19 and the resulting Public Health guidelines have put additional stresses and demands on Grace’s staff. They all have risen to the challenge. In addition, I want to recognize that the members of Grace who serve on our Board and various committees have also stepped up to address the challenges resulting from the pandemic. On your behalf, I extend thanks to the staff and volunteers.

 Pat Cleave

Chair, Unified Board

Unified Board Notes
May 7 & June 11, 2020
The Unified Board had 'Zoom' meetings on May 7 & June 11. While things have certainly changed, the role of Grace's Unified Board has not. While meeting by Zoom is certainly different, the Board has continued to provide leadership to the Grace community.

Lynn Loder, Treasurer, updated the Board on Grace's finances. Given the pandemic, rental income is down and we are unable to hold our traditional fundraisers, such as the lobster supper and plant sale. Nevertheless, Grace's financial situation is holding thanks to the generous support of many people. Grace has accessed the government support for salary that Grace is eligible for. Lynn and the Finance Committee are keeping up to date on opportunities and monitoring our finances carefully.

The AV Committee has been kept busy supporting our living streaming of worship services. There have been two teams created (Mark Hazen and Paul McKeown; Darrell Harvey &Blair MacKinnon). The committee hopes to form a third committee. If this is something you might be interested in, contact the office or Mark Hazen.

The Christian Education Committee (Wanda Baker-Hayward, chair) reported that the Zoom church school, under the leadership of Vicki Harvey and Wanda will continue until the end of June. Stephen Fram is doing a spiritual reflection on Fridays on the United Churches for Dartmouth Facebook page. Mark and Shirley Hazen make regular contributions to the Kids’ Corner and Wanda is doing guided meditations on Wednesdays for Kids’ Corner.

Our online presence is particularly critical now. The Communications Committee (Shirley Hazen, chair) has been very active, posting things on Grace's website and Facebook page. The Committee has created videos highlighting Grace's activities such as the Zoom church school and North Dartmouth Outreach Resource Centre Foodbank. These have been shown during worship and posted online.

Blair MacKinnon (Chair, Grace Initiatives) reported that the Committee had considered fundraising options at this time. It was determined that Sobeys and Superstore gift cards would be restarted (contact the office is you are interested) but that any other activities would be put off,at least until the Fall.

Bob Picco (Chair, Property) reported that the work begun on the buttresses last summer will be completed this summer. With an old building, the work of the Property Committee is continuous.

On behalf of the Innovation and Implementation Committee Karen Foster (co-chair) reported that Alice Nakalyango, who was sponsored by the Heart of Dartmouth as a refuge, is no longer being financially supported by the Heart of Dartmouth. Alice is currently working as a cleaner to support her education towards becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse.

We reported in January that Rev. Stephen Fram would be taking a sabbatical from July to October. Given the uncertainty of our current context, Stephen has generously offered to delay his plans for a year. He will be completing two courses at the Atlantic School of Theology in June as his study leave this year. Andrew Paton (Chair, Worship Committee) and Lorna Carter(Chair, M&P) have arranged coverage for this period and the summer vacation period. During the Study Leave period, we will have Supply Minsters for Sunday services and pastoral care will be handled by Rev. Catherine MacDonald from Stairs Memorial. During the Grace vacation period in August, Rev. Fred Snyder from St. James will provide pastoral care. During August, the Grace congregation will be invited to join the services provided by Stairs or St. James.

A committee has been stuck to plan for and coordinate the gradual reopening of Grace. The committee includes staff (Stephen Fram, Malcolm Bradley, Thelma Blaikie and Bob Tobin) and relevant committee chairs (Pat Cleave, Mark Hazen, Lorna Carter, and Andrew Paton). The committee will be developing policies and procedures to meet Public Health requirements and suggestions from the United Church of Canada.

Finally, on behalf of the congregation, I extend thank-yous to our staff. Rev. Stephen Fram has taken the lead on streaming worship services and on 'Zoom'. Zoom has enabled the work of the Board and committees to continue and supported connections among congregational members through Zoom meetings of men's and women's breakfasts, the book club and coffee fellowship.
Malcolm Bradley, our organist and choir director, has worked creatively to ensure that our music ministry continues through live streaming. Thelma Blaikie, our office administrator, has kept things moving smoothly and provided support as we adjust to the 'new normal'. Bill Busby, our janitor, is conducting a 'deep cleaning' of the church (e.g., cleaned pews, chairs and tables) and is doing additional regular cleaning/disinfecting to meet Public Health standards. Finally, Bob Tobin, our rental manager, has worked with our renters as they return to the building to support them in following all necessary procedures to meet all Public Health guidelines.

As you can see in these Unified Board Notes, while the building has been largely closed, the work of Grace continues. In fact, the pandemic has resulted in additional work for staff members and volunteers. It is the ongoing support of its members, in time, talent and treasure, that allows Grace to continue to live out its mission in the heart of Dartmouth.

Pat Cleave
Chair, Unified Board